A hybrid integrated circuit carries separate man or woman additives connected on a Ceramic substrate. These components are interconnected using both metallization patterns or bonding wires. The active and passive additives are diffused on the chip. Because the passive additives may be trimmed to precision at higher values, the Hybrid ics enhance the circuit performance. This generation is used primarily for small quantity customized circuits.
Classification of hybrid integrated circuit
Primarily based upon the technique used to shape the passive additives and the related interconnections on the substrate, hybrid technology may be classified into two kinds – Thick movie and skinny film ics.
Skinny movie Ics have film thickness various from 50 to 20000 Armstrong devices. The skinny movies are deposited using any of the technology like vacuum evaporation, plating approach, sputtering, and screening.
Those Ics have high-frequency packaging density and high thing packaging density. The use of this era, resistors can be trimmed to precision values. This option makes the thin movie ics appropriate for ladder kind virtual to Analog Converters.
Thick film ics have movie thickness varying between 125000 to 625000 Armstrong devices. This era produces high-density circuits containing passive additives at low value. Strategies like display printing and substrate firing are used for thick film deposition. Those ics are used in packages like car digital circuits, digital watches, digital toys, etc, wherein excessive frequency and length are important.